Tuesday Draw – Week 2 of 4

Posted On: November 19, 2009

This is the second part of four of our workshop series called ‘Tuesday Draw’. It is being restricted to only ladies for additional comfort level.

Next Tuesday 24 Nov, we are meeting to draw our vulvas. It is important that as women we celebrate the diversity of vulvas – different shapes, sizes, colours – because we are all beautiful, whole and complete the way we are not what the others say.

Do not worry too much if you do not understand your anatomy as I will run through before the drawing session.

What we will do on Tuesday 24 Nov:
• Short Introduction of the Female/ Male Anatomy
• Drawing of anatomy (can be based on memory/ photograph you bring/ abstract)
• Non-judgmental Sharing

Before you can do a good anatomy drawing, you can do a self examination with a mirror in private. This can be very confrontational because as women, we are taught from a young age not to touch ‘down there’ and our private parts being ‘dirty’. As adults, we need to reconcile with past negative messages and recognise we are beautiful, whole and complete before we can truly have a wonderful sexual life. Anatomy drawing is a way of celebrating our bodies, womanhood and being women.

I like to encourage you to come to this session with an open-mind, with the knowledge that the other participants will be women just like yourself desiring to acknowledge their sexual beauty and with the confidence that this will be a safe and supportive group.

Each session is facilitated by clinical sexologist, Dr. Martha Lee and art therapist-in-training, Ms. Sha Najak. Participants who wish to contribute those digital photographs and/or their artistic work anonymously towards a future art exhibition may do so.


Tues 17 Nov – My portrait (Over)

Tues 24 Nov – My sexual anatomy

Tues 1 Dec — My body part I like (except genitalia, since we ‘covered’ it)

Tues 8 Dec — Ideal sexual self

Venue: 33 Taman Warna, Chip Bee Gardens (opposite Holland Village Shopping Centre) Singapore 276369

Time: 7 – 9:30p.m.

Fee: S$30 per session

To register/ enquire: email info@eroscoaching.com or call 6100-0851.

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