Testimonials – Hugging Party

Posted On: July 15, 2013

“I attended my first hugging party hosted by Dr Martha Lee in September. I went into the event with a curious mind not knowing what to expect. There were  8 other participants and initially there were shyness and apprehension in the air not knowing what to do. The host Martha did a great job with a series of short exercises which involves eye contact, hand holding and sending warm loving intention to each other to shorten our distance and ease us into the trusting mood and to provide a safe space to be who we are. We also did some affirmation and assertive exercise which I have found very useful to bring about self awareness and to learn to listen to our body. The session ended with group massage, spontaneous and friendly group hug at the end of which we all felt like best friends after a mere two hours of interaction. All in all it has been a really refreshing and unique experience, something I would definitely recommend for people who are looking to live life in vibrant colours.” – Anonymous, Sept 2013

“Hugging party was a unique experience. At first it might seem something you want to avoid, after a while you realise that it is actually a genuine experience. Again, you relied too much on the 1st impression. It actually feels good and if you have an open mind for new and unique experiences, I suggest you explore the Hugging party” – Anonymous, Sept 2013

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