Testimonials – Love, Sex and Everything In-Between

Posted On: May 4, 2018

What the event was about:

Multiple-book author Relationship Counselor and Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee has worked with more than 1,300 individuals and couples combined face-to-face, as well as at least another 2,500 people over 450 events over the last seven years. She has crunched her thoughts, reflections and insights about love, sex, and relationships into 12 points! This will be an extremely beneficial talk for those who are in a long-term relationship and seeking to understand how to keep the romance, passion, and love alive and burning in spite of differences of personality, raising of kids, and multiple other challenges that might arise (or already have arose) through the years! Since we don’t know what we don’t know – we can only get ahead by acquiring information, knowledge, and skills the same way we would any other area of our lives. Get over any fear, inhibitions or shame you might have, because life is too short for regrets. Get your doubts and questions answered once and for all!


“Martha has distilled her wit and wisdom collected over her career as a counsellor and presented them in a very digestible form. The degustation of bite-sized topics provides plenty of stimulation for a lively discussion.” – Steve Ainsworth, Hedonist and Bon Vivant, 28 June 2018

“It has been a very insightful sharing by Martha and fellow participants. Couples who are in a long-term relationship will benefit from it.” – Jean Yang, 1 May 2018

“I have been attending Dr Martha’s recent seminar Signature Relationship Talk out of curiosity having been through some good and not so good recent experiences in my personal partnership myself. I liked her very structured approach to share her own experiences from both work and also personal angle in 17 points I could relate to instantly. The group setting is a plus, great to connect with others on this important life topic. The seminar helped me to take my own learnings on how to improve my relationship skills to the next level and hence I highly recommend this seminar to people serious on how to improve their relationships.” – Chris (recent participant of Signature Relationship Talk), 3 July 2018

“Openness of the trainer about sex. Topics were explained quite open and supported with examples.” – Anonymous Female, 1 May 2018

“Lessons are well contexualised. Energy sustained was good. Just nice with the group size, and timing.” – Anonymous Male, 1 May 2018

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