Conquer Your Premature Ejaculation and Regain Control Over Your Sexual Life Once and For All
Have you reached the point where you view sex as a forever losing game? Has Premature Ejaculation been like a bully that doesn’t let you enjoy the best moments in your life?
It’s time to fight back and take control with the help of an expert!
Dr. Martha Tara Lee is a Singapore-based certified sexologist that will help you see premature ejaculation differently and regain control over your sexual life. I know what you think! You would do anything to last longer and there are people and companies that try to persuade you that you will be a stallion in bed if you take their pill or if you follow their miraculous premature ejaculation cure. FALSE! A longer intercourse doesn’t necessarily mean better sex.

Martha has dealt with this preconception many times before with her trainees and will talk more about this misconception in this course. Get outside of the preconception box.
Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee will help you look at premature ejaculation differently!
In order to have a happy sexual life, you need to understand the complexities of premature ejaculation. The Ready, Get Sex, Go online training program will help you do EXACTLY that! Martha will teach you how to last long enough so that you and your partner enjoy sex and, why not, have an orgasm.

Martha’s approach towards premature ejaculation is HOLISTIC. This means that your sexual problems are deeply connected with your body, mind and heart.
- You think too much and trigger anxiety.
- Sometimes, your partner is the one who gives you pressure, scolding you.
- Other times, you don’t feel stressed, your partner doesn’t put pressure on you, but your body is getting excited too quickly.
There is nothing wrong with you! You just need a little bit of practice and acceptance!
What if you knew how to balance your body, mind and spirit?
Well, this is what you will learn from Martha during this 4-step training! The program’s structure is easy to follow and it mainly consists in making you aware of your behavior during sex and practicing techniques developed after years of studying premature ejaculation.

You will learn to:
- 1. Masturbate differently.
The way you pleasure yourself affects the way you pleasure your partner. You are not used to the sensation of prolonging the feeling and this turned in time into a habit. Martha will teach you a couple of masturbation techniques that will help you have control over the most sensitive parts of your penis.
- 2. Increase your sexual confidence with Kegels
Basically, Kegels are the “exercises” you do when you stop yourself on peeing. Martha will teach you the key elements of this exercise and how to control your body during Kegels
- 3. Acquire genital massage techniques
Martha will teach you how to massage various parts of your head (foreskin, frenulum) so that they won’t be that sensitive when you attempt penetration. Martha knows how to motivate you!
Quit avoiding intimacy because of your own fears around your ejaculation!

She’s been helping people since 2009 to get through their sexual problems. She has a Doctorate in Human Sexuality in Human Sexuality from Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, United States and numerous trainings in domains such as coaching, sex coaching, sex therapy and practical counseling.
What are the benefits of enrolling in this 4-part training?
- Longer intercourse
- Your partner will be more satisfied and you will bond at a deeper level
- Martha’s method is holistic, so you will improve your overall relationship with your partner too, not only the time you spend in bed
- Easy to follow methods and techniques that will have an immediate impact on your sex life
- Martha will provide you relevant information about what toys, lubricants and other sexual objects to use in order to prolong the pleasure and control your body
- No boring books, just short and interactive, easy to follow videos
Here’s What’s in the Course:
This video starts off with Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee defining Premature Ejaculation. She goes on explain her unique overarching approach to explaining all sexual issues as well as how to do Kegels and it’s role in helping with ejaculation control. She also encourages you to masturbate in new ways so as to expand the way their body absorbs sensation.
Please proceed with this video only TWO weeks following doing the exercises from video 1. This video builds on the previous exercises by encouraging incorporation of genital strokes into your masturbation practice. Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee explains the difference between genital massage and masturbation, and then demonstrates on a sex toy how to do the various genital strokes. Be sure to download your illustration of the different genital strokes.
Hopefully you have been doing the exercises from video 2 for TWO weeks before proceeding. In this video, Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee continues encouraging incorporating Kegels into your masturbation practice and explains why. She teaches advanced kegels, as well as explains how porn and fantasy affects being body-aware and ejaculation control. She also suggest that you not be too fixated with performance or be so goal-orientated, but instead view sex through their lenses of their partner – intimacy and connection.
You should have been doing the exercises from video 3 for TWO weeks before proceeding with this video. In this video, Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee introduces different tools that you can incorporate into your masturbation practice. She explains the Stop-start Method, and Scale. She suggests the use of the Flashlight, and condom while masturbation. She also encourages conscious breathing to allow for sensation to build and move within your body.
Bonus Video: Additional Masturbation Tip for You to Be a Better Lover
This video is meant for men who by now have better body awareness as well as gained some sense of ejaculation control. By being more active vs. passive during masturbation, you can begin to work towards mastery level when it comes to controlling your ejaculation and ejaculating when you choose to.
This program can also help with other issues – hear from someone who overcame psychological erectile difficulties with Dr. Martha Lee
“Previously, I have signed up for an online workshop known as RGSG. It is a very suitable programme for men who are shy and yet they’d like to seek help on PE. Through the online workshop, I could understand better several methods on delaying ejaculation and my fiancee and I could watch the videos and gain a deeper understanding on how the whole thing works. It was a very supportive programme and we, as a couple, are able to iron out these issues in the comfort of our home.”
– Anonymous, received 15 May 2015
“I subscribed to this program cos a good friend of mine recommended it and found it to be really useful. Dr Martha Lee definitely knows her stuff and the exercises given were effective. By practicing the exercises, I was able to experience new sensations in my body and more control, resulting in higher states of arousal, more pleasure and stronger and more powerful ejaculations.”
– Anonymous, April 2015
“I have regained my erection which is great. I was getting very nervous before at the idea of intercourse and my efforts and your exercises have paid off. I am glad I found your website as there are no good alternative today. Taking charge of my health myself has been a big plus.”
90-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
Within 90 days of your order, if you don’t feel that this online program is going to help you resolve your premature ejaculation issues, all you have to do is contact us and say cancel and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Ready, Get Sex, GO!
It’s new, easy to follow, innovative, saves time and it really works!
Take control of YOUR sexual life again and join Ready, Get Sex, Go NOW!
- The RGSG Program: 4 comprehensive online lessons to overcoming premature ejaculation
- The RGSG Program: 4 comprehensive online lessons to overcoming premature ejaculation
- One 1-hour coaching session *
- The RGSG Program: 4 comprehensive online lessons to overcoming premature ejaculation
- FOUR private bi-weekly 1-hour coaching sessions *
* Private coaching sessions are customised and will further address your questions and challenges around your sexual issue. They can be conducted via Skype. For more about what coaching entails, please visit
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About Martha
Dr. Martha Tara Lee is Founder and Clinical Sexologist of Eros Coaching in Singapore. She is a certified sexuality educator with AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists), as well as certified sexologist with ACS (American College of Sexologists). She holds a Doctorate in Human Sexuality from Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality as well as certificates in practical counselling, life coaching and sex therapy. She is available to provide sexuality and relationship coaching for individuals and couples, conduct sexual education workshops and speak at public events in Asia and beyond. For more, visit