Deserving Happily Ever After

Posted On: July 31, 2020

Date(s) - 31/07/2020
10:30 am - 5:30 pm


Is happily ever after possible? Do we dare challenge societal norms of settling for good enough? Do we feel deserving of having it all?

We all know of friends who are in unhappy marriages but stay in them because of fear of financial insecurity, being alone, or do it for the sake of children. Regardless of the choices we make (and there is no judgment, love and compassion here), we can certainly take steps towards improving things.

Join the three of us as we bare all and share all about attaining your Happily Ever After. The day will open with Carol Gockel (confidence coach) talking about self love and self image; Felicia Tan on relational skills and parenting, and then Dr. Martha Tara Lee on sex and sexuality. We will end with an honest bare-all question and answer panel discussion.

10:30 – 11:30a.m. Self Love by confidence coach Carol Gockel. Carol Gockel will be sharing how the lack of self love and confidence made her lose her self identity in her first marriage. She will also be sharing self care techniques to reverse the signs of aging and a quick demo on fast and easy makeup so that you have more time to be you.

1:30 – 2:30p.m. Parenting by motivational speaker and mom Felicia Tan. Felicia Tan is going to share how is life after embracing her rainbow baby, when motherhood doesn’t come with a menu. More so, this is the rainbow baby that she had struggled years with to receive the beautiful gift from heaven.

3 – 4p.m. Sex & Sexuality by Relationship Counselor & Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee. Dr. Martha will discuss how love, sex, parenting and libido are all interrelated and what you can do about your libido.

4:30 – 5:30p.m. Q&A

We invite you to take some time out and connect with us as women with women. Learn as we share what’s practical, useful and heartfelt. Have some laughs, fun, and support! See you at the other end!

Only S$50 for the whole day!


Dr. Martha Tara Lee – Relationship Counselor and Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee of Eros Coaching conducts relationship and sexuality counselling and coaching for individuals and couples over the past 11 years. A prolific writer, speaker and educator, Martha believes that our sexuality is a big part of who we are and an important aspect of life we need to claim and reclaim as we evolve through the stages of our life.
Carol Gockel – Confidence Coach, Author, Speaker and Change Maker. She helped women own their confidence to unleash their inner goddess to become who they want to be; emotionally, spiritually and financially through her Confidence Lady Blueprint. An advocate and strong voice on gender equality and female authority she believes women can have it all with a plan and determination.
Felicia Tan – Author, Speaker just wanted to go through life like everyone else: to get married happily ever after and have some children. Childbirth didn’t happen naturally and even end up in miscarriages! How does she bounce back to embracing her rainbow baby today? To counting her blessing and share her journey as we go through our lives when everyday is not going to be the day as before? Learn how she embrace the life and challenges that she is in today, marching forward and empowering women while living in her own journey!


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