Date(s) - 11/11/2015
6:45 pm - 9:30 pm
Purvis Street
What is a Red Tent?
Traditionally Red Tents (or sometimes known as a Moon lodge) were a space created for women to come and be at their time of menstruation. They were created by women for women and decorated with red. Now they are seen as a safe space for women to gather and experience what it is like to feel heard and cared for by other women. A place where women can take off the armour of everyday and relax into being truly themselves.
Sharing about women’s matters that other women can relate to without judgment or shame. A place to slow down and feel our deep innate wisdom bubbling up. A place to reclaim your worth and beauty. A place where it is possible to feel vulnerable and relaxed at the same time. And a place to remember the power of woman in all her faces, ages and manifestations.
For women to really flourish and live as their full self we need to move beyond competition and fear between women. To create a new story of woman that is not rooted in a patriarchal context. We need to stop isolating ourselves and trying to ‘manage alone’. We need to reach out for support because women work best collectively. Simply put – we need each other – both on a personal level as well as for the collective transformation that is happening for humanity at this time. The red tent project is designed to meet this vision.
What we will do:
- Circle sharing
- Meditation
- Lunar Manifestation
- Special presentations
- Celebrate life, love and sisterhood
Why the Red Tent Is Held at New Moon
The new moon is the optimal time to focus on endings & beginnings as it is the void time between the last lunar cycle ending & the new one beginning. This provides the perfect opportunity for reflecting upon what your lesson has been in the previous month as well as attuning to the astrological transits and celestial/ seasonal events approaching in the coming month, and how best to make the most of those opportunities for growth & healing of past patterns.
11 Nov 2015
11 Dec 2015 (Next one)
Time: 7 – 9:30pm (doors close at 7.10pm) Arrival from 6.45pm
Donation: S$30 (Recommended)
What to wear: Please wear red if you can to help create the feeling of the red tent and bring food to share if you can.

For reservations, please email
About the Facilitator

Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr. Martha Tara Lee is the only Clinical Sexologist in Singapore who has a doctorate in human sexuality. She is also a Red Tent Women’s Circles Facilitator from Star of Ishtar. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. For her full profile, click here.