Booklist: Dating for Autistic Individuals

Booklist: Dating for Autistic Individuals

Posted On: May 25, 2024

Being on the Autism Spectrum can present unique challenges in navigating relationships and social interactions, as individuals may struggle with communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, and understanding social cues. This can lead to feelings of isolation, misunderstandings, and difficulties in forming and maintaining connections with others. Additionally, the neurodiverse nature of the spectrum can make it […]

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20 Sexual Terms used by Millennials

20 Sexual Terms used by Millennials

Posted On: May 25, 2024

  20 Sexual Terms used by Millennials Ghosting – When someone abruptly stops all communication with another person without explanation. 2. Cuffing Season – The period of time during the colder months when people are more likely to seek out relationships. 3. Thirst Trap – A sexy photo or post shared on social media to […]

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Navigating Sexuality and Disability in Dating: 4 Tips and Scripts

Navigating Sexuality and Disability in Dating: 4 Tips and Scripts

Posted On: October 30, 2023

As a Sexologist, I have worked with individuals with disabilities who are navigating the dating world. While dating can be challenging for anyone, it can be especially difficult for those with disabilities who may face additional barriers when it comes to navigating sexuality and intimacy. In this blog post, I will provide some tips and […]

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