Week 34 of 52 LSE – Being More Present

Posted On: August 24, 2014

Welcome to Love, Sex, and Everything in Between! My name is Martha and I am a sexologist and I am playing your Fairy God Sister. So, what message do I have for you this week?

Do you feel you can be more fully present in your life? Would you like to become more mindful in your life and feel less overwhelmed? I am going to get you through a very simple way of how you can meditate.

What you need to do is you just sit down and you keep your spine as straight as possible so that you can feel more. You put your hands on your lap and you just bring your attention to your breath. As you breathe in, you expand your stomach and as you breathe out, you just let the air be released. Just very, very simply telling yourself, focusing on breathing in and breathing out, breathing in and breathing out.

Now, even if you can just do this very simple exercise of bringing awareness back to your breathing – let’s say, one minute – you do start feeling a little bit better in terms of being able to manage stress, being able to cope with life just a bit more, and if you can get to five minutes, that would be excellent. Being able to do some mindful breathing, some very simple meditation is better than doing nothing.

Another more advanced way you can do is to words, as you are breathing, “I am here,” – breathe – “I am now. I am present. I am here. I am now. I am present.” So just keep repeating this three sentences to yourself as you bring your attention back to your breathing. And in this breathing, we are doing deep breathing with the stomach, and so this really helps your body to just be able to relax completely and to replenish the oxygen in your body fully.

So I’d like you to do this practice as much as possible this week and to share of your experience on Facebook. I do have this little handout on Zen Meditation that I’m presenting to you, that I hope you will find useful.

Sign up for my free videos under these campaigns this year: Febulove, Eco Sex, Masturbation Month, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day!

If you like this video, please share it. Please leave your comments on Facebook and Twitter and in the meantime, keep loving, live life fully and stay lovely!

Dr. Martha Tara Lee is Founder and Clinical Sexologist of Eros Coaching. She is a certified sexologist with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality. She provides sexuality and intimacy coaching for individuals and couples, conducts sexual education workshops and speaks at public events. For more, visit www.ErosCoaching.com or email info@eroscoaching.com.

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