My Own Biography

Posted On: April 2, 2015

I afinding waterm doing the exercises in the book Finding Water by Julia Cameron. This is her third book in the series under The Artist’s Way.

I stumbled upon the book, and having been resuming my Morning Pages, weekly Artistic Date, as well as weekly walk. My spirits are lifted. I am inspired once more.

In week 2 of 12 – Uncovering A Sense of Reality, we are asked to write about ourselves in third person. It felt strange, and this is mine: 

She’s a sexologist and helps people for a living. She’s highly experienced and her magical powers are coming into being. She’s intuitive, empathic, and able to listen deeply – from the words, to the feelings behind them, and all the meanings underneath.

She’s amazing. She’s mysterious. She’s able to keep confidences. She’s creative, sensitive, and knows how to listen with her heart, gut and desires. She rests when she needs to. She radiates from within. She is beautiful and knows it.

She creates great products which are always in demand. She is a writer, creator, healer in many ways. flower (3)People love her in return and sing her praises in many ways. People know of her name, her work, and tlak about her long after she leaves a room simply because she is awesome in every way.

In person, she always comes from heart, listens deeply, and has great presence. People are drawn to her, and feel safe with her.

I started to blush a bit as I was typing this out. Haha… I could keep this piece of writing hidden – never to see light of day. It’s really doesn’t matter much to me, except what I really like is for you to reflect on your own biography.

How would your biography be like? Would you write about yourself positively or negatively? Please share.

Who is Martha?

Dr. Martha Tara Lee is Founder and Clinical Sexologist of Eros Coaching. She is a certified sexologist with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality. She provides sexuality and intimacy coaching for individuals and couples, conducts sexual education workshops and speaks at public events. She is also the author of the book Love, Sex and Everything In-Between, and the host of the weekly radio show Eros Evolution on OMTimes Radio. For more, visit or email

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