Passionate Person – Bodyworker Tim Hopkins

Posted On: March 26, 2023

I interviewed Tim Hopkins who is a bodyworker and have studied many modalities inc sexological bodywork.

1) Who are you?

My name is Tim Hopkins, I live in Cairns Australia. I am a bodyworker and have studied many modalities inc sexological bodywork. I offer healing through touch and helping others to become more embodied , have better relationships with their body and sexuality. Through my own journey of greater embodiment and being less caught up in thoughts and my mind, I discovered the healing available being more in touch with my body (physical body), feelings (emotional body) and  life force (energetic body).

2) Why do you what do you do?

I want to help others discover more pleasure and aliveness through accessing the wisdom held in their own body.

3) What do you stand for?

Greater embodiment, empowering others, healthy sexuality, comming back to the wisdom of the body.

4) What are your future plans?

To stay curious, continue learning, be true to myself and serve others.

5) Any advice for readers?

In this fast paced world we live in take 15 minutes every day to simply be, breathe deeply and slowly, engage your senses fully , feel into your body and allow any feelings to surface, just be fully present and simply experience the moment. As thought pop up let them go. This simple practice done every day can make a real difference to your life.


Note: I have not vested interest or benefit from interviewing Tim Hopkins. I am doing so in the pure intention to inspire more people.

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