Angelia Ng – Babies Bliss Fertility Wellness

Posted On: April 9, 2024

Angelia NgMeet Angelia Ng, a highly experienced fertility specialist with over 20 years of expertise in the field. Accredited by the International Compliance Assurance for Holistic Practitioners (ICAHP), Angelia is passionate about helping couples conceive and start their own families. Her dedication to her craft has driven her to constantly upgrade her skillset in critical areas of fertility.

Angelia’s certifications include Certified in Fertility Massage Specialist, Certified PreNatal Massage Therapist, and Certified International Association of Infant Massage Instructor. This extensive knowledge and experience has led her to create the FSM Method, which fuses Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques. Her unique approach has gained her a reputation in the industry as the go-to fertility specialist by clients and industry practitioners alike. The FSM Method has been proven to be highly effective in helping couples increase their chances of conceiving and starting their own families.

At Babies Bliss, their approach to fertility wellness is centred on compassion and evidence-based practices.

Babies Bliss treat clients like family, offering empathetic support to address the emotional aspects of fertility challenges.

Babies Bliss commitment to evidence-based care ensures that treatments are effective and beneficial. It also utilise technology-enhanced therapy to provide the best care possible within their means.

In essence, Babies Bliss prioritise both physical and emotional well-being, creating a supportive and trusted environment for our clients.

If you’re struggling with fertility issues, Angelia’s expertise and unique approach could be the solution you’re looking for. Contact Babies Bliss through Eros Coaching today to learn more about the FSM Method and how it can help you achieve your dream of starting a family.

 Babies Bliss
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