Sexual Self Discovery for Couples

Posted On: December 13, 2009

“Sexual Self-Discovery’ – Clearing the Blocks to a Positive Sexual Self Image, is a four-part workshop where couples are invited to come together to draw very important figures – their bodies. This is not an art therapy class, or an art class; however, it uses artistic imagery and can be most therapeutic and life changing. […]

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Anonymous HIV Testing Jumps 20% in Singapore

Posted On: December 11, 2009

Latest figures from the Ministry of Health (MOH) showed a jump of 20 per cent in people coming for anonymous HIV testing in Singapore, compared to last year. In the first nine months of this year, 129,966 people got tested, compared to 124,559 the year before. The availability of more clinics offering anonymous testing since […]

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Miss Singapore Universe 2009 Admits to Boob Job

Posted On: December 10, 2009

Miss Singapore Universe 2009 Rachel Kum, admits that she did a boob job. The 24-year-old beauty queen also revealed that she had taken Botox injections to make her face looks slimmer. Kum was embroiled in a controversy two months after she was crowned Miss Singapore Universe in May. There were calls for her to be […]

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Singapore Girls Under 16 Having Sex

Posted On: December 9, 2009

In Singapore, girls aged between 12 and 14 are considered victims of statutory rape. Cases involving girls below the age of 12 are investigated as rape. Offenders can be jailed for up to 20 years, and fined or caned. Under the Women’s Charter, sex with a girl aged above 14 but below 16 is termed […]

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Misconceptions About HIV Still Common Among Singaporeans

Posted On: December 7, 2009

HIV infections are most commonly spread through heterosexual relationships, and not the commonly thought homosexual relationships or drug abuse. Recent data from the Ministry of Health (MOH) showed that of the 218 newly-detected HIV cases in the first six months of this year, more than half of them (59 per cent) acquired the disease through […]

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Study: Men Watch Porn, and it is not bad for them

Posted On: December 4, 2009

After a two-year study Montreal University is maintaining that all men watch pornographic videos but it does not impact on their sexual habits or their relationships with women. The majority watches X-rated movies to satisfy a “fringe fantasy,” according to his research, and it would be unfair to extrapolate from that that it leads to […]

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Your Skin Can Hear

Posted On: December 4, 2009

We not only hear with our ears, but also through our skin, according to a new study. The finding, based on experiments in which participants listened to certain syllables while puffs of air hit their skin, suggests our brains take in and integrate information from various senses to build a picture of our surroundings. Along […]

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HIV spread in China

Posted On: December 2, 2009

HIV is now spreading fastest in China through heterosexual sex, a trend demanding new strategies to stave off a rebound in the epidemic after years of progress in containing it, a United Nations report said. Data show that 40 per cent of new HIV infections diagnosed in China were acquired through heterosexual contact, with homosexual […]

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Paris: No Trousers for Women

Posted On: December 1, 2009

A decree banning women from wearing trousers in Paris is still technically in force, making the laissez-faire French capital theoretically stricter than hardline Sudan in the fashion stakes. The rule banning women from dressing like men – namely by wearing trousers – was first introduced in 1800 by Paris’ police chief and has survived repeated […]

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STI Linked to Advanced Prostate Cancer

Posted On: November 30, 2009

Researchers have demonstrated a strong association between the risk of aggressive prostate cancer and a common sexually transmitted infection. Trichomonas vaginalis infects an estimated 174 million people globally each year, and is the most common nonviral sexually transmitted infection. T. vaginalis can also infect the prostate and be a source of inflammation. The study, conducted […]

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Women Breadwinners Exaggerate Partner’s Faults

Posted On: November 27, 2009

Dr Rebecca Meisenbach, professor of communication at Missouri University, questioned 15,000 American female breadwinners for the study, to be published in the journal Sex Roles this week. Only women without children under 18 said they did not feel a strong sense of responsibility for the home. Little research has been carried out into the role […]

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Martha’s Self Portrait from ‘Tuesday Draw’ Week 1

Posted On: November 26, 2009

‘Tuesday Draw’ is a four-part workshop where we acknowledge and celebrate our bodies. Week one (Tues 17 Nov) of four was to draw a full-body self portrait. Mine is below: Description: I tried my best to do a realistic self portrait by looking into a body-length mirror sitting down. I had intentionally drawn my mouth […]

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