Spices May Prevent Breast Cancer

Posted On: December 22, 2009

A new study suggests that compounds found in black pepper and curry powder help halt the growth of stem cells that give rise to breast cancer. Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center applied piperine, found in black pepper, and curcumin, the main ingredient in the curry spice turmeric, to breast cancer cells […]

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10 Surefire Ways to Prevent Sexual Assault

Posted On: December 21, 2009

A tongue in cheek list of suggestions on how to prevent sexual assault from Feminist Law Professors. I found it on Scarleteen. Assault is no laughing matter but read between the lines for the teaching points. We agree with them that these ten tips absolutely, positively can prevent many sexual assaults without fail. 1. Don’t […]

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Human Rights Violations on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Human Rights Violations on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Posted On: December 19, 2009

On 10 Dec 2009, a panel discussion was organized by the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden on the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights. The theme: Opposing grave Human Rights Violations on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. You are […]

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All Vulvas are Beautiful

Posted On: December 19, 2009

I have received the kind permission from Betty Dodson to share the following vulva illustrations. They were originally printed in her book Sex for One. For more information about her work, visit their site here. Know that these are intended for educational purposes, but are explicit sexual anatomy illustrations. I feel strongly that there should […]

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First Black Disney Princess

Posted On: December 18, 2009

Disney is featuring its first black pricess in The Princess and the Frog, featuring its first black princess, for over three years now. It’s a happy coincidence that the film arrives during the first term of US first black President — but for little girls, seeing a Disney princess who looks like them might be […]

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Martha’s Ideal Sexual Self

Posted On: December 17, 2009

For week 4 of Tuesday Draw, participants were asked to draw what their ideal sexual self meant look like. I did my own drawing separately and this is what I came up with: a big juicy red apple. Why apple? All of us have eaten an apple at one point or another in our lives, […]

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What to Expect at Anonymous HIV Screening

Posted On: December 17, 2009

Here’s what to expect at an anonymous screening: – You will be given an anonymous questionnaire, and private pre-test counselling. – You will undergo an OraQuick test, where a swipe is taken from the inside of your mouth. – You will get your result after 20 minutes, and receive post-test counselling. – If the result […]

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Rekindling Connections for Couples

Posted On: December 16, 2009

Children, long days and nights at the office, and competing schedules can wreak havoc on a couple’s sex life. It is easy to take the closest person in our lives – our spouse — for granted. In this full-day workshop, learn to look at your other half with a fresh perspective, begin speaking more openly […]

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Martha’s Fav Body Part from ‘Tuesday Draw’ Week 3

Posted On: December 15, 2009

Inspired by my brave participants in the workshop ‘Tuesday Draw’, I did a drawing of my favourite body part outside of our session – my lips/ smile. I drew my lips or smile, with and without teeth because I liked it, and have been complimented many times through my life for my nice teeth and […]

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Last Chance: Envisioning for 2010

Posted On: December 14, 2009

You might think creating a vision board is silly, childish or unnecessary. But the simplest things in life work because they are simple. It’s a matter of weighing the cos of your time vs. the price of not to setting time aside setting clear intentions. You decide. Without vision, people perish. Begin the new year […]

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Sexual Self Discovery for Couples

Posted On: December 13, 2009

“Sexual Self-Discovery’ – Clearing the Blocks to a Positive Sexual Self Image, is a four-part workshop where couples are invited to come together to draw very important figures – their bodies. This is not an art therapy class, or an art class; however, it uses artistic imagery and can be most therapeutic and life changing. […]

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Anonymous HIV Testing Jumps 20% in Singapore

Posted On: December 11, 2009

Latest figures from the Ministry of Health (MOH) showed a jump of 20 per cent in people coming for anonymous HIV testing in Singapore, compared to last year. In the first nine months of this year, 129,966 people got tested, compared to 124,559 the year before. The availability of more clinics offering anonymous testing since […]

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