New clues on how Hypnosis works

Posted On: September 7, 2009

Hypnosis has been used to help with sexual anxiety and in treatments. Now functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) show that brain activity is different under hypnosis. The study concludes that hypnosis induces a disconnection of motor commands from normal voluntary processes under the influence of brain circuits involved in executive control and self-imagery. Read more […]

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Oral Sex cause of Throat Cancer rise

Posted On: September 3, 2009

Changing sexual practices have led to a dramatic rise in throat cancer in the United States over the past two decades. Increasing rates of HPV infection, spread through oral sex, is largely driving the rapid rise in oropharyngeal cancers, which include tumors of the throat, tonsils, and base of the tongue. Safer sex doesn’t just […]

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Would you change your last name?

Posted On: September 2, 2009

Back in 2007, an USA Today article reported that more men were now taking their wives’ last names upon marriage. Recently the same newspaper now reports that about 70% of Americans believe that it is beneficial for a woman to take her husband’s last name when they marry, and, more surprisingly, about 50% of Americans […]

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Teens turn to Internet for sex ed

Posted On: September 1, 2009

The USA Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one in three teens say they’ve never received information about birth control. Sex ed classes are happening on the Internet.It can teach safe sex MTV style or less raucous sites like and even For more, visit here.

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13m Abortions Each Year in China

Posted On: August 27, 2009

According to newly published research, there are 13 million abortions each year, compared to 20 million births in China. Authorities in China have highlighted inadequate knowledge of contraception and poor sex education as major factors in the high number of abortions there. Many women who have abortions are single and aged between 20 and 29. […]

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Turn off that TV!

Posted On: August 25, 2009

Researchers at the University of Washington Medical School equipped 330 children, two months to four years old, with digital recorders that captured everything the children heard and said during the day. The recorders were worn one day per month for up to two years. The study found that TV is: • Associated with significant reductions […]

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Are you a OS?

Posted On: August 22, 2009

Not operating system. Objectum sexuals. These are people who experience intense emotional connections with everyday things – bridges, stereos, the Eiffel Tower. It’s not a fetish but a sexual orientation. Meet Erika LaBrie who married the Eiffel Tower on April 8, 2007. There is Amy Wolfe who plans to marry a thrill ride at Knoebels […]

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The ‘Perfect’ Vulva

Posted On: August 21, 2009

Vulvas come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Yet there is a myth that there such a thing as a perfect vulva. And by whose standards? Who decided for you that your vulva isn’t perfect the way you were born with it? Women are going under the knife and endangering their sexual health for this […]

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Violence towards women

Posted On: August 16, 2009

On Aug 4, a Pennsylvania man walked into a gym aerobics class and opened fire, killing three women and wounding nine before turning the gun on himself. George Sodini, 48, brought four handguns into the LA Fitness gym outside Pittsburgh and used three of them, firing at least 36 times around 8 p.m. Tuesday. An […]

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Book Review: Red Hot Touch

Book Review: Red Hot Touch

Posted On: August 12, 2009

Red Hot Touch: A Head-to-Toe Handbook for Mind-Blowing Orgasms by Jaiya and Jon Hanauer Red Hot Touch is sizzling hot! It is possibly the modern-day equivalent of The Joy of Sex. The writing is fresh and playful; the content is incredibly useful and informative; and the techniques are specific, detailed, and easy to understand. The […]

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What Does it Mean to be Sex Positive?

Posted On: August 9, 2009

Sex positive is an adjective often used to describe people who are comfortable with their own sexuality and sexuality in general. To me, being sex positive is more than that: • Believes in a positive sexual relationship • Acknowledges that sex can be fun and pleasurable • Accept your right to be or not to […]

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Sex in Nursing Homes

Posted On: August 7, 2009

More than 30 years ago, in Arkansas, a sociologist proposed to a group of nursing home operators that they set aside “privacy rooms” for their residents to do whatever it is that consenting adults do in private. This idea was rejected then, and apparently this remains the case in modern day. For more on ‘Sex […]

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