Don’t Get Tricked: 10 Signs You’re Being Lured Into Bed

Posted On: August 17, 2023

Being tricked into bed with someone can be a difficult and confusing experience. It can leave you feeling violated, embarrassed, and unsure of how to move forward. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to be manipulated or coerced into sexual activities they are not comfortable with. It is important to be aware of the signs of being tricked into bed with someone, as well as the steps you can take to protect yourself in the future. In this blog post, we will discuss the scenarios in which someone may be tricked into bed, the 10 signs that you may have been tricked, the importance of communicating boundaries and expectations, consent, respect and safer sex. We will also address the question of whether or not being honest about wanting sex will prevent someone from being tricked.

It is never okay to trick someone into bed. Sexual activity should only take place when both parties are fully consenting and understand what they are agreeing to. Consent must be freely given, enthusiastic, and ongoing throughout the sexual activity. If someone is not comfortable with the activity, it should not take place. Everyone has the right to say no and to set boundaries for themselves. Respect for one another is essential in any sexual relationship.

How do you know if you are being tricked into bed with someone?

If you feel like you are being pressured or manipulated into having sex with someone, it is important to trust your instincts and say no. If the person is not respecting your boundaries or trying to convince you to do something you are not comfortable with, it is likely that they are trying to trick you.

What can you do after you had been tricked into bed with someone?

If you were tricked into bed with someone, it is important to take care of yourself and seek help from a trusted friend or family member. It is also important to seek medical attention and legal advice if necessary. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to report the incident to the police.

Scenarios of tricking

They may

  1. Claim to be single when they are actually married or in a relationship.
  2. Tell you that they are not ready for a relationship, but they are open to casual sex.
  3. Make up stories about their past relationships and make it seem like they have been hurt before, so you feel sorry for them and want to help them heal.
  4. Act like they are very interested in you and make it seem like you are the only one for them.
  5. Pretend to be more experienced than they actually are in order to make you feel more comfortable with them.
  6. Use flattery and compliments to make you feel special and wanted.
  7. Promise you the world if you just give them one chance.
  8. Guilt-trip you into sleeping with them by saying things like “you don’t really love me if you won’t do this” or “I thought you cared about me”.
  9. Pressure you into sleeping with them by telling you that all of your friends are doing it or that it’s not a big deal.
  10. Try to buy your affection by showering you with gifts or taking you out for expensive dinners and drinks.

Once again, they might be…

  1. Offering Compliments: Some people may try to flatter you with compliments in order to get you into bed. They may tell you that you are beautiful, smart, or funny in order to make you feel special and desirable.
  2. Buying Gifts: Another way people may try to trick you into bed is by buying you gifts. They may buy you flowers, jewelry, or other items in an effort to make you feel appreciated and wanted.
  3. Promising Commitment: Some people may try to promise commitment in order to get you into bed. They may tell you that they want a serious relationship or that they want to marry you in order to make you feel special and secure.
  4. Making False Promises: Some people may make false promises in order to get you into bed. They may tell you that they will call or text later, but never follow through with their promises.
  5. Guilt Tripping: Some people may try to guilt trip you into bed by making you feel bad for not wanting to have sex with them. They may tell you that they are disappointed in your decision or that they are not good enough for you in order to make you feel guilty and obligated.

10 signs one has tricked you into sex

  1. Avoiding eye contact
  2. Refusing to talk about it/ whatever they promised
  3. Becoming defensive or hostile when asked about it/ whatever they promised
  4. Refusing to apologize or take responsibility
  5. Becoming distant or unresponsive
  6. Withdrawing from physical contact
  7. Making excuses or blaming you for the incident
  8. Becoming overly apologetic
  9. Trying to minimize the incident or downplay it
  10. Refusing to acknowledge the deception

If I am honest that I just want to want sex, they won’t have sex with me?
It is important to be honest and transparent about your intentions when engaging in any kind of relationship. However, it is also important to respect the boundaries of the other person. If someone has expressed that they are not interested in having sex with you, it is important to respect their wishes and not pressure them into something they are not comfortable with. It is also important to recognize that people have different comfort levels when it comes to physical intimacy and that it is okay to have different expectations. If you are looking for a sexual relationship, it is important to find someone who is on the same page as you and who is comfortable with the same level of physical intimacy.

If I am honest that I just want to want sex, they won’t have sex with me?
As a relationship counselor and clinical sexologist, I would not advise engaging in any kind of sexual activity with someone who is not your spouse if married unless in an expressed open relationship. Doing so could lead to a breach of trust in your marriage and could have serious consequences. Instead, I would encourage you to focus on building a strong, healthy relationship with your spouse. This can include talking openly and honestly about your desires and needs, exploring new ways to be intimate, and finding ways to make each other feel special and appreciated.

I’m an honest person. I can’t deal with all these games people play. Can being honest prevent me from being tricked?
No, being honest about wanting sex will not prevent someone from being tricked. People can still be tricked into having sex even if they are honest about wanting it. It is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect yourself, such as using protection and getting to know the other person before engaging in sexual activity.

What all of us should do instead

When it comes to sex, consent, communication, respect, and safety are of the utmost importance.

  1. Consent is the cornerstone of any healthy sexual relationship, and it is essential to ensure that both partners are comfortable and willing to engage in sexual activity.
  2. Communication is key to making sure that both partners are on the same page and that boundaries are respected. Respect is necessary for both partners to feel safe and secure in the relationship.
  3. Finally, safety should always be a priority when it comes to sex, as it is important to protect yourself and your partner from any potential risks or harm. When all of these elements are present in a sexual relationship, it can be a truly fulfilling experience for both partners.

Importance on consent
It is never okay to trick someone into bed. Any kind of sexual activity should only take place when both parties are fully consenting and aware of the possible legal consequences. Consent must be given freely and without coercion. It is important to remember that a person can change their mind at any time, even if they have previously consented. If someone does not consent to sexual activity, it is considered sexual assault and can have serious legal consequences.

Importance of communicating boundaries and expectations
Establishing boundaries and expectations before engaging in any kind of sexual activity is essential for a healthy and enjoyable experience. It is important to communicate with your partner about what you are comfortable with and what you are not. This can be done through verbal communication, body language, or even through scripts. Scripts can be helpful in setting boundaries and expectations as they allow both partners to clearly articulate their desires and boundaries without feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Scripts can also help to ensure that both partners are on the same page about what is acceptable and what is not. By establishing boundaries and expectations before engaging in any kind of sexual activity, both partners can feel safe, respected, and comfortable in the situation.

Possible scripts

  1. “I want to make sure we’re on the same page before we start anything. Can we talk about what kind of sexual activity we’re comfortable with and what our expectations are?”
  2. “I want to make sure we both feel safe and respected. Can we talk about what boundaries we want to set before engaging in any kind of sexual activity?”
  3. “I want to make sure that we both feel comfortable and respected. Can we talk about what kind of sexual activities we’re comfortable with and what our expectations are?”
  4. “I want to make sure that we both feel safe and respected. Can we talk about what kind of boundaries we want to set before engaging in any kind of sexual activity?”
  5. “I want to make sure that we both feel safe and respected. Can we talk about what kind of sexual activities we’re comfortable with, what our expectations are, and what kind of boundaries we want to set before engaging in any kind of sexual activity?”

Importance of respect
Respecting someone’s boundaries is essential in any kind of relationship. No one should ever be pressured into engaging in any kind of sexual activity, whether it be physical or verbal. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions about their body and their sexuality, and it is important to respect those decisions. It is never okay to pressure someone into doing something they are not comfortable with or do not want to do. Doing so can be emotionally damaging and can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. Respect is key in any relationship and it is important to always remember that everyone has the right to say no.

Importance of safer sex
Safety is of the utmost importance when engaging in any kind of sexual activity. It is important to ensure that both partners are comfortable and consenting to the activity. It is also important to practice safe sex by using protection such as condoms and dental dams to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Additionally, it is important to be aware of any potential risks associated with certain activities, such as rough or dangerous play. Finally, it is important to have honest and open communication with your partner about any concerns or worries you may have. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that both partners have a safe and enjoyable sexual experience.”

Possible scripts:

  1. “Have you been tested for STIs recently?”
  2. “What do you know about safer sex practices?”
  3. “How do you feel about using condoms or other forms of protection?”
  4. “Do you have any questions about sexual health or STIs?”
  5. “Are there any topics related to sexual health that you would like to discuss?”

It is important to be aware of the signs and scenarios of being tricked into bed with someone. Knowing the importance of consent, communicating boundaries and expectations, respect and safer sex can help protect you from being tricked. If you ever feel like you have been tricked into bed with someone, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and wellbeing. Be safe out there.

If you’re seeking a relationship counselor and clinical sexologist who is dedicated to promoting healthy relationships and sexual well-being, I would love to connect with you. With my expertise and passion for helping individuals and couples navigate the complexities of intimacy, I am confident that I can provide valuable guidance and support. Let’s work together to create a safe and fulfilling space for individuals to explore their desires, improve communication, and foster stronger connections. Contact me today to discuss how I can support you.

About Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Dr. Martha Tara Lee has been a passionate advocate for positive sexuality since 2007. With a Doctorate in Human Sexuality and a Masters in Counseling, she launched Eros Coaching in 2009 to help individuals and couples lead self-actualised and pleasurable lives. Her expertise includes working with couples who have unconsummated marriage, individuals with sexual inhibitions and discrepancies in sexual desire, men with erection and ejaculation concerns, and members of the LGBTQIA+ and kink communities. Dr. Lee welcomes all sexual orientations and is available for online and face-to-face consultations. Martha speaks English and Mandarin.

She is the only certified sexuality educator by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in the region (as of 2011) and is also an AASECT certified sexuality educator supervisor (as of 2018). She strives to provide fun, educational, and sex-positive events and is often cited in the media including Huffington PostNewsweek, South China Morning Post, and more. She is the appointed Resident Sexologist for Singapore Cancer Society, Of, and Virtus Fertility Centre. She is the host of radio show Eros Evolution for OMTimes Radio. In recognition of her work, she was named one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40’ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. She is the author of Love, Sex and Everything In-Between (2013),  Orgasmic Yoga: Masturbation, Meditation and Everything In-Between (2015), From Princess to Queen: Heartbreaks, Heartgasms and Everything In-Between (2017), and {Un}Inhihibited (2019).

You can read the testimonials she’s received over years here. For her full profile, click here. Email her here.

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