In Search of the ‘Perfect’ Vulva

Posted On: February 10, 2010

Vulvoplasty: This is cosmetic surgery performed on the outside genital structures include removal of unwanted fat from different parts of the vulva, such as in the pubic area, around the outer lips (vulva lipoplasty). This documentary video is long but worth watching. I liked the different words used to refer to vulva – from fanny, […]

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Sex Does Cause Wrist Pain

Posted On: February 9, 2010

A controversial new U.K. report suggested too much sex is responsible for wrist pain. Repetitive movements during lovemaking put extra weight on the wrists, said a top medical practitioner, which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome – one of the most common types of wrist problem in Britain. “Sexual intercourse can explain the increase in the […]

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China: Female Migrants Affected by Sexual Frustration too

Posted On: February 8, 2010

The problem of sexual frustration was not limited to men who took up jobs away from their spouses and families. ‘Many young women who have migrated from rural areas, where sex education is nonexistent, experience a culture shock in bustling cities. They may follow in their friends’ footsteps by adopting a more open attitude toward […]

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Singapore: 9% of Women have Faced Abuse

Posted On: February 7, 2010

A random poll of about 2,000 women aged between 18 and 69 found about 9 per cent had experienced some form of violence in their lifetime – significantly lower than their counterparts in the Czech Republic, Australia and the Philippines. The International Violence Against Women Survey, developed by global bodies including the UN Interregional Crime […]

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Japan: Job-secure Singles Looking for Potential Spouse

Posted On: February 6, 2010

People with a secure job are more active than those without in their efforts to search for a partner, according to a survey by a team at Tokyo University. The university’s Institute of Social Science sought to shed light on changes in work and home life. Its survey found that the degree to which workers […]

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On Boundaries

Posted On: February 5, 2010

Guess which celebrity said this: “I don’t flirt. Even if you don’t actually touch someone or do anything to them, it’s disrespectful to your husband. I would never do that. I’m very devoted, and he’s the same.” Click here. On the same day, I came across this piece: public displays of affection is apparently acceptable […]

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O’Donnell: ‘Lesbians Stay Connected After Divorce’

Posted On: February 4, 2010

Rosie O’Donnell’s ‘divorce’ from longtime partner Kelli Carpenter was smooth and drama-free because neither partner wanted to fight and lose touch with each other. The A League of Their Own star insists women can always find a way to split graciously because they always want what’s best for everyone involved. Do you agree with this? […]

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Changes to Dating Game

Posted On: February 3, 2010

According to a Windows Live survey of over 700 Singaporeans, an overwhelming number (90.6%) said they would use Instant Messenger to ask someone out on a date, whilst some, albeit a much smaller number, (5.9%) would even propose online. Not only do many people feel it is acceptable to start a relationship online, a quarter […]

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Soy Doesn’t Cause Homosexuality

Posted On: February 2, 2010

The owner of a chain of gyms in New Zealand has apologized for an e-mail newsletter claiming that drinking soy milk makes men gay. The newsletter from Club Physical linked to an article that said use of soy products is “feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion […]

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Single Mind

Posted On: February 1, 2010

It’s the month of love, romance and eros. Have you signed up to received your daily lesson from Eros Coaching? You can do so here at Febulove, our online carnival for February. Don’t miss it! We hear it’s possible to trade love for treats. But why would we when giving it with gusto’s soooo amazing?

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Ethan Hawke’s Vampire Love

Posted On: January 29, 2010

Ethan Hawke thinks there is something “weirdly sexual” about vampires. The ‘Daybreakers’ star said he was so taken with how beautiful a vampire character was in one film he saw as a child, he can see how young people find them compelling today. He said: “I know why I like vampires, it’s the same reason […]

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Thai Schoolgirl Pregnancies at an Alltime High

Posted On: January 26, 2010

The number of Thai pregnant schoolgirls and university students sharply rose to about 10,000 last year. In the past, the number had never risen beyond 5,000 in a year. “We have to prevent such cases otherwise more social problems will arise,” Social Development and Human Security Minister Issara Somchai said yesterday. He was speaking at […]

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