Terms of Endearment

Posted On: January 16, 2010

How do you address your spouse? Or, for those dating, how do you address your romantic interest? How soon into a relationship do you start giving each other pet names or nicknames? An ex-boyfriend used to call me ‘Sexy’. It used to turn me all warm inside. I thought this was our special word and […]

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New Sex Goals

Posted On: January 15, 2010

The above title assumes you ‘had’ sex goals, and that they are ‘new’. What I am asking here is this: did you set any goals for yourself in terms of sex and sexuality for 2010? If not; why not? What’s stopping you? For that matter: Did you set any New Year’s intentions for yourself? It’s […]

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Forgive and Forget

Posted On: January 14, 2010

Forgive and forget. Let bygones be bygones. Turn the cheek. To err is human. We hear these phrases often. Our culture teaches us to not only ‘forgive and forget’, but also to ‘turn the other cheek’. Maybe we have done this so often and so much that we no longer know what we feel and […]

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Workshop: Sexual Attitude Restructuring

Posted On: January 13, 2010

SAR is a process-oriented, structured group experience to promote participants’ awareness of their values, beliefs and attitudes on various issues in sexuality and to assist them in understanding how these attitudes and values affect them professionally and personally. The SAR experience involves viewing a series of sexually explicit films and discussing reactions in a small […]

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Support Group for Women with Herpes

Posted On: January 12, 2010

Support Group for Women with HerpesBy DSC Clinic in partnership with Eros Coaching Having ulcers that keep coming back?Maybe it’s time to talk about it… Topics: Week 1: Learning about the news: How I came to know I had herpes Week 2: Communicating the news: Should I tell my partner? If yes, how? Week 3: […]

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Operation Phony Love: Granny Sold Marriages

Posted On: January 11, 2010

For more than two decades, Maria Refugia Camarillo played matchmaker for her family members, which investigators dubbed Operation Phony Love. Camarillo found spouses for her children, her nieces, a nephew and even her three teenage grandchildren, all of whom lived within two blocks of each other. The marriages were not only arranged, they were also […]

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Joined Good Therapy as a Member

Posted On: January 11, 2010

I have joined Good Therapy as a member. GoodTherapy.org is an international association of counselors, therapists, and psychologists who believe people are equipped to transform the obstacles to optimum health and happiness. As a leading advocate for healthy psychotherapy, GoodTherapy.org educates the public about the differences between healthy and unhealthy psychotherapy and promotes non-pathologically based […]

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Want Better Sex? Stop Smoking!

Posted On: January 10, 2010

It’s true. If you want to have better sex, stop smoking. FOR MEN Smoking can cause male sexual problems like Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and infertility. ED is the persistent inability to attain and maintain penile erection adequate for satisfactory sexual performance. Smoking causes ED when it causes fatty deposits to build up in the arteries […]

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Hugh Grant: Rain Makes Head Swell

Posted On: January 9, 2010

Hugh Grant hates filming rain scenes because he’s convinced the drizzle makes his head swell. The actor hates watching himself performing in the rain – because it always looks like he has a “gigantic pumpkin head”. He warned director Marc Lawrence about scripting a rainy moment in new film ‘Did You Hear About The Morgans?‘ […]

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Malaysia: Cosplay is Popular

Posted On: January 8, 2010

Cosplay is a hobby that allows you to transcend the world of reality to that of fantasy. In short, you dress up as a character, but it’s not just that. You will have to ‘become’ the character and mimic the character’s personality, gestures and even speaking mannerisms! It’s like a grown-up game of dress-up and […]

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Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

Posted On: January 7, 2010

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a male sexual dysfunction characterised by ejaculation which usually occurs prior to or within one minute of vaginal penetration and an inability to delay it. It is also accompanied by negative personal consequences, like stress, frustration and the avoidance of sex. PE is a problem not for men alone, but for […]

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Taiwan Cool With Breastfeeding in Public

Posted On: January 6, 2010

Taiwan is to protect the right of nursing mothers to breastfeed in public with hefty fines for those who try to stop them, as part of a campaign to promote the practice, officials said Wednesday. The government’s Bureau of Health Promotion is drafting a bill that would impose a penalty of up to 30,000 Taiwan […]

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