Testimonials – Soul Gazing

Posted On: July 12, 2016

Brown eye close-up

“The soul gazing workshop gave me a new perspective in looking at another person’s soul through their eyes. Every day, we’re so used to judging someone based on their appearance that we base our judgments through biases or preconceived notions. When I entered the workshop and tried soul gazing, I realized that there is more to the person than what I thought of initially. The workshop helps one to ground themselves first before doing the exercise. This helps to clear biases and judgments which makes it easier for everyone to get to know the other person. And I love the fact that at the end of the workshop, there was an affirmation game which gives people a boost. All in all, I had fun at this workshop.” – Dani, Philippines, 7 May 2019


“It was very deep, with busy life and routine we often forget about who we are and how we develop our contact with our souls, This workshop, though very simple, will make you different and more connected with yourself and sympathetic to others. Thank you Martha.” – Nouf Alammari, Kuwait, 4 Sept 2018


“Soul gazing was fun . It is interesting how with soul gazing, we (were) able to do a mini psychic reading for other participants. I also found it beneficial to use soul gazing as a affirmation tool.” Mr T, 3 Sept 2016


“Soul gazing not just helps you understand other but also yourself. As in what is a soul seeking, wanting and focused on. It gives another dimension of who you are and how to perceive the greater world around you.” – New age enthu guy, 26, 2 July 2016


“Soul Gazing is what brings us back to the feeling of being human. It brings us to a place where we have shared humanity and can accept a human the way it is.” – Male, 2 July 2016


“It was admittedly quite disconcerting at the first try – gazing into a stranger’s eyes with the sole intention to sense/ understand him/ her. But once you get past the initial discomfort and observe the thoughts and feelings that arise, it became an amazing experience to feel another person’s soul in a non verbal way.” Tan Jiatong, 2 July 2016

“I wasn’t sure what to expect at the Soul Gazing workshop, but I was very pleasantly surprised and appreciated my insights and connections from the workshop. While it was strange to be consciously and mindfully looking into someone else’s eyes, after the first few seconds, I felt more at ease and could connect in some sense with my partner. The most touching exercise was the mirror work, the opportunity to look deeper into myself. It was a very well thought out programme. Thanks Martha for facilitating and cooking dinner!” – Ling Ling, 36, 2 July 2016

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